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Over 2000, ASME, RFT and other calibration standards in stock
ASME, RFT, MFL, NFA, NFT, IRIS, Wear Scar, etc.
Stainless (304, 316, 317, 321, 327, 410, 430, Duplex, AL6XN, Ebrite, Seacure, etc.)
Titanium, Copper, Monel, Zirconium, CuNi (70/30, 90/10), Steel, Brass, Admiralty Brass, Aluminum, Alloy 20, Chrome Moly, Hastelloy, Inconel, Nickel, Tantalum, Aluminum Brass
Spiral Notches, Expansions
Designed to your needs
Calibration Standards
ASME standards
Remote Field Testing (RFT) standards
AVN standards
Near Field Testing (NFT)
Custom standards
IRIS standards
Flux leakage standards
Spiral groove standards
Ultra-Sonic standards
Crack simulations
NFT standards
NFA standards
MFL standards
Support ring simulators
Tube expansions
Finned and internally enhanced (IE)
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